How to input From user in Java Programm ?????

you have to must know about the function.

this function are built-ed function not user define function in java.

first of all you have to include this function if you wanna take input from user

import java.util.*;
and also we also need a scanner statement

Scanner in= new Scanner(;
and input get function are following

for integer:
for float:
for double:

for string :


for character you have add a main function to get input in character form
that's why we will discuss it later....

How to Swap two values in java Program

class swp
public static void main (String arg[])
int x,y,z;
System.out.print ("X = ");
System.out.println ( x );

System.out.print ("Y = ");
System.out.println ( y );

System.out.print("\n\n\t\tDeveloped by AhsAn....!!\n\n\n");



The java Programm that read temperature in celsius and convert it into Foreign height

class changer
public static void main (String arg[])
double tC, tF;
/*tc is veritable of temperature in Celsius and tF is for temp in fahrenhite*/



System.out.print (" Temperature in Fahrenhite is : ");
System.out.println( "\n\n\t\tDeveloped by AhsAn! " );



How to calculate Bill by predefine Value Java Program

class bill
public static void main (String arg[])
double pr,cr,un,ba;

/*pr = previous reading , cr= current reading, un= consume units, ba= bill amount*/

un= cr-pr;

ba= 5*un; /* 5 is rate per unit*/

System.out.println ("Your Consume Units is : "+un);

System.out.println ("Your bill amount is : "+ba);

System.out.print("\n\n\t\tDeveloped by AhsAn....!!\n\n\n");


How to Find the volume of Cube In Java Program

class vol
public static void main (String arg[])
double v, r;

/* '4 ' is pre- define value of of radius(r)*/

System.out.println (" volume of the sphere is :"+v);

System.out.print("\n\n\t\tDeveloped by AhsAn....!!\n\n\n");


How to Declare &initialize the variable in simple java programm

class initialize
{public static void main (String arg[])
 int a;  //declare
 a=2; //initialize
int b=4;  //declare and initialize
c=a+b; //add variable
System.out.print("The total of two variable =");
System.out.print(c);   //Display variable

How to show multi statement in single line

class a
public static void main(String arg[])
System.out.println("\t Name : Sulman\n\t\tProgram: BSIT\n\t\t\tsemester: II");
/* \t for tab space or \n is use for new line*/


How to show an output in a simple java program

class mn
/* mn is class name, its up to you what like to be call it*/
public static void main (String arg[])


System.out.println("* Name : Ahsan *");

System.out.println("* Program : BSIT*");

System.out.println("* Semester : III *");




Java Syntax

class name           //you want to save program must match with class name
public static void main (String arg[])
